Friday, January 13, 2006


Dreams...dreams are odd things. They can be triggered by things such as things you saw or heard, or talking to somebody. I had a dream a few weeks ago, and it was triggered by talking to some one. Here it is(what I can remember):
So I was on IM and I had talked to Nathan. Then I did something else then went to sleep. SO I had a really weird dream. I dreamed that we were at my school, outside talking(the people there were Nathan, Other PB friends[I'm not exactly sure who], me and this one kid from my school[who is sort of mean]) So I saw him and then the other people and said'" This would be perfect group if it wasn;t for you"' So then all the sudden I blinked and we were in my back yard, it didn't even look like our yard, but I saw our house, and that mean kid was gone. So I walked into our house, then I saw Nathan come into the house and he said, "I'm gonna make a sandwich" and I said,"OK". Then the dream ended and I woke up.I might have forgotten a few parts but that was the main thing. I think if I forgot anything it was the people at the table, and um....I think that's it.

I'm sorry I haven't posted. I keep saying I'll post more often but I never seem too. I'm going to try and post more often.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's,Christmas, and Back to school(if you went). I'll talk to y'all later. BYE!


Blogger Marjoniqua said...

One time months before the GC meeting I was on the internet talking to Nathan and that night I had a dream that a bunch of pb kids were at the Pritchett's house and we were all outside but Nathan was on side of the house and I was on the other. There was a huge board in between and we were typing with these remote control things talking to each other by the board. Like instant message. Even though we were 20 feet away from each other. Then I walked into their (the Pritchett's) basement and I was automatically at Grace Chapel talking to Lydia, Anna Grace, and Mercy. It was weird.

January 14, 2006 3:39 PM  
Blogger Marjoniqua said...

was on one side*

January 14, 2006 3:40 PM  
Blogger Life is better in the South said...

That is so much like Nathan, to want to just (out of the blue) make a sandwich! You Rock Nathan! You Rock Chelsea!

January 14, 2006 7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is what happened.
I had to beat up the mean boy from your school, but he was tougher than i thought, so I was pretty hungry. So I went in to get a sandwich, and then when i saw you i made you one too.

You are right dreams are wierd. That was a crazy dream MJ:)

January 15, 2006 1:27 PM  
Blogger toesthattwinkle said...

You made me one? Thanks. what kind of sandwich was it?haha

January 15, 2006 5:40 PM  

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